Volunteers Enrich the Community

April is the month that we shine the spotlight and recognize our invaluable volunteers. It is a time to honour the selfless individuals we see throughout our communities helping others. Volunteers make a difference by helping their neighbours, friends, organizations and their communities. Volunteering can take many forms and involve a huge variety of activities. Some like to help by assisting a neighbour, cleaning up their neighborhood, planting trees or walking dogs. Others volunteer in more formal settings such as helping on a sports team, working at a food bank, participating as a member of a board or volunteering with an organization such as a school, hospital or Long-Term Care Home.
This year, National Volunteer Week takes place from Sunday, April 16 to Saturday, April 22. The theme for 2023 is: “Volunteering Weaves us Together”. Volunteering enriches our lives by increasing our connections with other people. Through involvement in various opportunities, we find friendship, develop trust, and link our relationships.
The Lodge, The Manor, The Villa and our AECs are very fortunate to have over 124 very dedicated volunteers. The volunteer program continues to grow with more people joining each month. In 2022 these dedicated volunteers donated a total of 5310 hours to the Homes and Day Programs. Elders look forward to a friendly smile, additional programs and activities that are offered by volunteers. Volunteers in the Long-Term Care Division have many different roles, for example serving coffee, helping with activities, visiting and operating the general store. This spring we are very excited to offer volunteers the opportunity to take Elders for rides on our trishaw bike. This will be a very exciting opportunity and adventure for both the Elder and the volunteer.
Please join The Lodge, The Manor ,The Villa and Adult Enrichment Centre in celebrating volunteers by taking the time to thank a volunteer this month! For more information on volunteer opportunities, contact [email protected] / 519-381-8185
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