Nutrition Month

March is Nutrition Month. This year’s theme puts the spotlight on how people can “Unlock the Potential of Food: Find a Dietitian”. Did you know the Elders at the County of Lambton Long- Term Care Homes are followed by a Registered Dietitian? Dietitian’s complete individualized nutrition and hydration assessments for all Elders living in the home to ensure they are meeting their personalized needs and goals. As we age, our nutritional requirements naturally change; protein, fibre and hydration are especially important.
Increase your Protein Intake
Protein is an essential nutrient to keep your body functioning well. It is required to build and repair muscle, tissue, skin, nails and hair. Some good sources of protein are beans, lentils, meat, fish, poultry, nuts, cheese, eggs and yogurt. Adults (19 and over) generally require 0.8g/kg of protein per day.
Increasing your Fibre Intake
Fibre can help to keep you regular, lower cholesterol and control blood sugars. Fibre is found in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes (beans, peas, lentils), nuts and seeds. Many people only consume half the fibre they need each day. It is recommended women (51 and over) consume 21g per day and men (51 and over) 30g per day.
Why Fluids Matter
Fluids help to move nutrients and waste through your body, protect and cushion joints and organs, control body temperature and lower risk of dehydration. Dehydration can lead to dizziness, fainting and low blood pressure and could put an older adult at higher risk for falls. Older adults require 25-30ml/kg per day. Water is your best choice. Other fluids such as milk, juice, coffee, tea, jello and soups also count toward your daily fluid intake.
Worried about an Elder who may not be eating well or is having difficulty eating? Discuss with your Home’s Registered Dietitian.
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