Frequently Asked Questions

Can I register for programs at any time?
Yes! You may register anytime for programs. Keep in mind the earlier you register, the more likely you are to get into the program!
How many programs can I register for?
As many as you would like! All programs are FREE and open to you (as long as they are not full).
How many spots are there per program?
Each program will have enough spots for 8-10 members. As previously mentioned, the earlier you register for programs, the more likely you will get a spot.
I am having difficulties calling into the programs. Can someone call me in instead?
Yes! Let us know at least one day before your first program and we will call you into the program instead. All you need to do is answer the phone!
Why did I need to provide an emergency contact?
The emergency contact will be contacted if you do not attend a program you have signed up for or to ensure our members do not need medical attention.
How long are most programs?
Most programs last 30 minutes. Some programs that are special events or have a guest speaker may last up until one hour.
What should I do if I cannot attend a program that I already signed up for?
Please call or email us letting us know you cannot attend the program. This is important because then we can open the spot up to another member. It is also important because if you do not cancel, we will contact your emergency contact.

“We believe ageing well starts with living well. Excellence in care, respect for individuality, and accountability drive us. We provide the highest quality of care while staying deeply connected to our community. Compassion and dignity are our lived reality.”
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