Food Services

The Lodge
People often comment on the high quality and great taste of the food served at the Lodge, but have you every stopped to think about how much food is required and how many meals the Dietary department prepares?
For the 88 people living in the Home, we prepare and serve 1,848 meals every week, which comes out to 96,096 a year. Additionally, we provide snacks and complete food requisitions for special events or functions and modifications are made to food or beverages to meet dietary requirements or preferences of the Elders. Another service the team offers is preparing meals for staff and clients of the Lambton Elderly Outreach Program. This amounts to 120 meals per week which is 6,240 meals a year.
We need a lot of food to make all the magic in the kitchen happen. Let’s start with a favourite of so many people living in the Home – bananas! We use an average of 160 pounds a week, 640 pounds a month and a staggering 7,680 pounds a year! You know that loaf of bread, or maybe two your family goes through each week? At the Lodge, its 80 loaves a week and 4,160 a year. That’s a lot of toast with jam and grilled cheese sandwiches.
All that food has to get to the Lodge, so we have two deliveries each week which provides us with approximately 250 cases of food coming to our door. The team at the Lodge make it look easy, but it takes a cooperative, committed and hardworking team for a kitchen to run smoothly. They say to thank a farmer if you ate today. At the Lodge we say, thank the farmer, but also thank the food service staff who prepared and served a nutritious and delicious meal – and did the dishes!
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