Food Services

The Manor
There is no higher purpose in the Dietary department than to provide excellent, nutritious meals and great customer service. Those who work in food service, understand this fundamental truth, and consistently strive to improve their offerings. Until you work in this industry, one cannot truly appreciate the hours it takes, or the quantity of meals being delivered daily.
On any given day at The Manor, there is 5 dietary staff and 2.5 chefs that work a total of 76 hours. In this time, they prepare 378 meals for the Elders, 70 meals for the Red Cross Organization, 20 meals for the Day Program and approximately 12 meals for staff. This does not include the 252 snacks that are prepared daily, the requisitions for special functions that happen within the home or special meals being created due to dietary restrictions. That is a combined total of 732 meals and snacks daily. We often believe the phrase, “every minute counts,” originated from the food service industry!
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