Fall & Flu Preparedness
Fall is upon us and so too is the respiratory season. This is a much-anticipated time for our Infection Prevention and Control Leads to begin Fall & Flu Preparedness in all three of our Homes.
This means ensuring we have the following measures in place to assist us in case of an outbreak within the Home:
1. Adequate personal protective equipment (PPE), such as masks, are stocked and available for use by all those working and visiting at the Home.
2. Communication tools are readily available to notify Elders, staff, volunteers, and visitors in the event of an outbreak.
3. Hand hygiene products are easily accessible throughout the Homes and encouraged frequently by all.
4. Signage is posted to remind us on how to cover our coughs/sneezes, perform hand hygiene appropriately, and how to apply and remove PPE.
5. Seasonal vaccinations, including the annual “Flu Shot” are available and provided to those who are eligible and give consent.
Reminder that performing frequent hand washing, staying home when sick and keeping up to date with vaccinations is the best way to keep protected against infection.
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