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How To Become A Volunteer

How To Become A Volunteer

Volunteer Application Form

All potential volunteers are required to fill out and return the volunteer application form.  You will receive an application form after you have contacted the Volunteer Coordinator at North Lambton Lodge or the Recreation Supervisor at Lambton Meadowview Villa and Marshall Gowland Manor.   The application form is an opportunity for the Volunteer Coordinator/Recreation Supervisor to learn about your skills, interests and experience.


All potential volunteers will meet with the Volunteer Coordinator/Recreation Supervisor for an interview. This interview allows the applicant a chance to expand on why they are interested in volunteering. It allows the Volunteer Coordinator/Recreation Supervisor to have a better understanding of the applicant’s skills, interests and discuss different volunteer opportunities. The applicant has the opportunity to ask questions about the volunteer program and the expectations.

Criminal Record Check

All volunteers are required to submit a criminal record check.  During the interview the potential volunteer will be provided with a letter stating that they are seeking a police record check for the purpose of volunteering. This letter will allow the applicant to obtain the check free of charge from the O.P.P. and at a reduced rate from the Sarnia Police. It is the applicant’s responsibility to take the letter to police service to be processed. The police record check will be returned to the applicant. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure the criminal record check is returned to the Volunteer Coordinator/Recreation Supervisor.

Currently, vulnerable sector checks can be obtained through an online portal.

Orientation and Training

All potential volunteers will meet with the Volunteer Coordinator/Recreation Supervisor to complete an orientation session in order to understand their roles and responsibilities. Volunteers receive further orientation and training specific to their position from staff in the department they are assisting.

Michael Gorgey

“We believe ageing well starts with living well. Excellence in care, respect for individuality, and accountability drive us. We provide the highest quality of care while staying deeply connected to our community. Compassion and dignity are our lived reality.”

Michael Gorgey
General Manager

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Homes Brochure
Homes Brochure
Day Programs Brochure
Day Programs Brochure
Day Programs Rack Card
Day Programs Rack Card
Volunteer Rack Card
Volunteer Rack Card