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There are many ways you can support the Homes in raising the critical funds that are directed to the areas of most urgent need.  You can attend or sponsor an event, make a donation or volunteer your time.

Did you know you could make a difference in the lives of our Elders and their family by turning a simple get together, work activity or special occasion into a fundraising opportunity? Instead of giving a gift, you can support the urgent needs at the Homes and encourage others to give, too.

If you have ideas to share or wish to organize a fundraiser that supports the Homes, please contact us.

Michael Gorgey

“We believe ageing well starts with living well. Excellence in care, respect for individuality, and accountability drive us. We provide the highest quality of care while staying deeply connected to our community. Compassion and dignity are our lived reality.”

Michael Gorgey
General Manager

Send a Card.

Make your friend, family member, or a staff member a card, and make their day!

Send a Card!


Click on image to download PDF document
Homes Brochure
Homes Brochure
Day Programs Brochure
Day Programs Brochure
Day Programs Rack Card
Day Programs Rack Card
Volunteer Rack Card
Volunteer Rack Card